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  • 02 Aug 2023
  • News

Education Reforms: The education task force paves way for radical changes in education sector

With just a few days to the expiration of term of the presidential working party of education reforms, the party is winding its work with a presentation of measures that could change the education system from Early Childhood Development (ECD) to university.

The working committee tabled a raft of recommendations and reforms to improve the learning landscape. President William Ruto has issued a directive to the Ministry of Education to implement these reforms within the given time-frame.

In a stakeholders meeting held earlier this week, the working party recommended to discontinue current traditional categorization of secondary schools that includes international, extra county, county and sub-county schools to be phased out with the 8-4-4 system.

The committee wants the Ministry of Education to adopt a comprehensive school system Pre-primary (PP1) - Grade 9 compromising pre-primary, primary and junior school managed as one institution. They also recommended dropping the term secondary from junior secondary and senior secondary schools.

According to the report, they want an introduction of mandatory three months community service program for senior graduates before joining tertiary institutions. The party also wants the ministry to implement nine months of mandatory community service after completion of tertiary education and issue a certificate of compliance as proof before graduates can join the workforce.

Moreover, if implemented, the reforms will see the Kenya National Examination Council (KNEC)  renamed to Kenya National Assessment Council (KNAC) with the Competency Based Curriculum (CBC) curriculum as well as be given capacity to print national assessments.

With the changes aligned to the transition to the Competency Based Curriculum (CBC) in high-school level, the party recommends that learners to have options in subjects selection that will determine their career choice. To this effect, learners at different levels will have to choose subject combinations in line with their carrier aspirations.

To put the icing on the cake, the task-force recommends that university curriculum should align to the Competency Based Curriculum (CBC) for ease of transition while limiting the offering of certificate and diploma courses at this level.

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