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  • 27 Feb 2021

Revival of 4K Agricultural Clubs in schools

Remember the 4k Clubs back in those days? Well, the government in its bid to enhance the implementation of the Competency-Based Curriculum (CBC) has resolved to bring back these clubs that were once popular in schools across the country. With the recent approval by the cabinet, the Ministry of Agriculture will spearhead the launch and implementation of the 4k Agricultural Clubs in all schools.


What is the 4K Agricultural Club?


Having faded away from public primary schools in the early 1990s, 4k stands for Kuungana, Kufanya, Kusaidia Kenya which ideally denotes coming together so as to help Kenya. These clubs promoted sustainable agriculture by adopting hands on agricultural activities such as keeping goats, rabbits and chickens in the Schools’ Demonstration Gardens to impart knowledge among learners.


Benefits of the 4K Agricultural Clubs


The basic intention of the 4K Clubs was to equip learners with basic agricultural skills through hands on activities that they engaged in. The learners could in turn duplicate what they learnt to their homes.


There has been a technological revolution across major sectors all over the world. For instance, the Kenyan education system has seen the adoption of online revision platforms such as that give learners various tools to help them with their revision. Consequently, the government hopes that the 4K Clubs will help steer the country towards the adoption of smart agriculture.


Moreover, the 4K Clubs are meant to build the interest of learners for agriculture. This will help breed a generation of techno-savvy agricultural players, who will help in reshaping the agricultural landscape.


The bigger picture?


Through the 4k Clubs, the government will advance the concepts of food and nutritional security through food production as well as teach climate protection to help fight climate change.

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