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  • 15 Mar 2021

Schools close this week to allow for KCPE and KCSE Exams

How nostalgic! It is almost that time of the learning calendar that is anticipated by most learners across the country. According to the ministry of education, this week will see most schools closing to pave way for K.C.P.E and K.C.S.E Candidates to sit their national exams.


This particular academic calendar has been affected by the COVID -19 pandemic necessitating the ministry to develop a special calendar. Under the new calendar, Grade 1 – 3, class 5 – 7 and form 1 – 3 learners will proceed to a close to seven weeks holiday and resume in May for their third term of 2020. Grade 4 learners will stay home longer – for about three months to await their joining Grade 5 under the new Competency Based Curriculum.


The Exams

K.C.P.E Exams will commence on the 22nd of March and end on the 24th of March while K.C.S.E Exams will begin on the 26th of March to the 21st of April with over 750,000 candidates looking forward to sitting their exams.

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